Somerset Merchants Guild
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Courses of action...!!!!

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Courses of action...!!!! Empty Courses of action...!!!!

Post  Silvermane Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:22 pm

Shane...please pardon me for monopolizing this forum today.

But I am of the opinion that If the mountain won't come to the Merchants Guild then the Merchant's guild shud go to the mountain.

ONE thing that I wud like to see especially in the members listing is the town that each member is from....that at least wud let us know if we have all the towns of Somerset covered.

TWO work out a plan which we can present to the Somerset parliament so as to be able to obtain a financial grant and be able to operate this business...the Merchant's Guild.

THREE if we have all the Somerset towns covered...appoint someone in each town to post on a weekly basis the market ....Player's and a specified thread for each town ON A SPECIFIC DAYshowing what is available in each town and the shortages in each town and the prices of all the merchandise available....(cut and paste)..!!!
This way we shall have an idea of what is necessary and where. in this way we can contact the mayors and tell them that we can get them the merchandise they require(not necessarily from where). Mind you...all this must be done with the wellfare of the people of Somerset in mind and not infringing on the laws of Somerset county or the individual towns.

FOUR set up a bank account for the Merchant's guild.
At first, to put in the amount of the grant we recieve from Somerset parliament.
Eventually we may decide to amend the fees we pay to the merchants in another way and also take a very small percentage as a fee to the Merchant's guild 1-3% which shall add to the coffers.

Once this merchant's guild is on the way....set up Merchant's guilds in other counties...!!!

With the information from other nearby counties we shall have a better picture of what goes on not only in our county but also the counties around Somerset and be able to offer them the same services as we do in our Somerset....tomorrow England...and eventually...the World.

I am so excited by the possibilities....Your a great man Shane...with vision...!
I firmly believe that eventually we may undermine the stodgy favoritism based merchants and more mayors shall come to rely on our services...!!!

Lord of Gloucester

P S first we may have to take smaller wages so as to be able to get this guild going...but it shall well be worthwhile in the long run...!!!


Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-01-05
Location : Gloucester, Somerset

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